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Morocco Patient Review: Successful Liver Transplant Surgery in India

liver transplant surgery in India

Patient Name : Nezha Regragui
Age : 42
Gender : Female
Country of Origin : Morocco
Doctor Name : Dr. Vivek Vij
Hospital Name : Fortis Hospital, Noida
Treatment : Liver Transplant Surgery

Nezha Regragui, a 42-year-old man from Morocco, was facing the daunting challenge of liver failure. His local doctor advised him that a liver transplant was essential to save his life. However, the high cost of the procedure in Morocco made him hesitant. It was then that a friend suggested looking into treatment options in India, renowned for its top-notch medical care at competitive prices.

Encouraged by his friend's advice, Nezha began his search for a qualified liver transplant surgeon in India. During this search, he came across our India Organ Transplant website. Intrigued by the information provided, he decided to reach out. He was promptly connected with our case manager, who took the time to understand Nezha's medical condition and the urgency of his situation. The case manager assisted in finding Dr. Vivek Vij, one of India's top liver transplant surgeons.

The case manager facilitated the review of Nezha's medical reports as well as the test reports of his brother, Kamal, who had generously offered to donate a part of his liver. Dr. Vivek Vij thoroughly reviewed the reports and formulated a detailed treatment plan for the liver transplant procedure. With a clear path forward, Nezha and his family began arranging the necessary finances. Once everything was in order, the case manager helped Nezha obtain a medical visa for herself, his brother Kamal, and two other family members who would accompany them as attendants. With their visas secured, they traveled to India, hopeful and ready for the next steps.

Upon arrival in India, Nezha and his family were warmly received and taken to the Fortis Hospital, Noida where the transplant would take place. The initial days were spent undergoing thorough evaluations, blood work, and tests to ensure both were in optimal condition for the surgery.

On the day of the transplant, Nezha and Kamal were prepped for the procedure. The medical team explained the steps involved, ensuring both brothers felt informed and reassured. The liver transplant surgery is a complex and meticulous process. It began with both Nezha and Kamal being administered general anesthesia.

For Kamal, the donor surgery involved making an incision in his abdomen to access the liver. The surgeon carefully removed a portion of Kamal's liver, ensuring minimal damage to the organ and the surrounding tissues. Simultaneously, Nezha's surgical team prepared him for the transplant. They made an incision in his abdomen and carefully removed the diseased liver. The healthy portion of Kamal's liver was then transplanted into Nezha. The surgeons meticulously connected the blood vessels and bile ducts to ensure the new liver would function correctly in Nezha's body.

The entire procedure took several hours, with both Nezha and Kamal's surgical teams working in perfect coordination. Post-surgery, both were taken to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close monitoring. The medical team kept a vigilant watch over their vital signs and overall health to ensure a smooth recovery.

In the following days, Nezha's body gradually began to accept the new liver. His condition improved steadily, and he experienced a renewed sense of energy and vitality. Kamal, too,recovered well from the donor surgery, with the remaining portion of his liver regenerating over time. After a proper period of recovery and several follow-up appointments, both were deemed fit to travel back to Morocco. The support and care provided by the medical team in India played a crucial role in their successful recovery. The entire experience left a profound impact on Nezha and his family.

Back in Morocco, Nezha continued to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by Dr. Vivek Vij Fortis Hospital Noida, His quality of life improved significantly, and he felt immense gratitude for the second chance at life he had received. Nezha's journey was made possible by the expertise, empathy, and dedication of the healthcare professionals in India. He hopes that his story will inspire others facing similar challenges to seek the help they need and transform their lives for the better.

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